A peek inside this post: Do you ever get nervous when asked what you do for a living? The role of a homemaker isn’t one that everybody understands and appreciates. With encouraging words and Bible verses about homemaking, my hope is to remind you of the importance of a homemaker and how you are changing the world each day as you serve God and your family. Next time someone asks what you do, you can declare, “I am a homemaker” with the confidence of Christ and the calling God has placed on your life.
When I first became a mom I instantly fell in love with my son. When I returned to work full time, I was miserable. I loved my job as a teacher’s assistant but I had such a place in my heart to care for our son during the day and I found myself feeling depressed when I wasn’t able to do that.
I then moved to a part time position. It seemed like the best of both worlds. Making a difference in kids’ lives in a school setting during the morning, and being home in the afternoon and evenings. It worked better for our family, but I still felt called and led to be a full time homemaker.
Whether you work inside or outside the home, having the heart of a homemaker changes lives.
Hopefully you pick up on my passion for homemaking as I talk about the role of a homemaker, three huge differences it makes in our family, some Bible verses to encourage you as you fulfill that role, and some inspiration to declare your job with confidence.
The Role of a Homemaker and Why it Matters
Doctor. Chef. Maid. Chauffeur. Organizer. Snuggler. Pet care-taker. Grocery Shopper. Meal Planner. Decorator. Landscaper. Laundry folder. The person who always makes sure the kids have clothes to wear that fit them since they randomly grow 5 inches in 2 days.
The role of a homemaker doesn’t just have one title. You could be one or all of these on any given day.
I have heard it mentioned several times that moms are the “glue” of the family. They truly hold the family together.
The Free Dictionary defines the idiom, “hold it together” like this:
“To remain calm, composed, and ready to do what is necessary, especially in the face of adversity or crisis.”
Now, if you are like me, maybe you laughed out loud at the “remaining calm” and “composed” part. I hear you. It seems like this past year is the year I am finally giving my family and myself the grace we all need. I have apologized more this year than I have all my other parenting years combined. Honestly, God has shown me the gift of getting over myself and it has changed me as a mom, wife, and friend.
We at Just Homemaking want to encourage you to create a thriving home from the inside out. That means we see you doing all the things that nobody else has any idea that you do. They make a huge difference in the lives of your family even though the fruits of your labor aren’t often noticed until many years later when your children have grown.
We see how you “hold it together” to do what is necessary for your family. Especially in the face of adversity or crisis.
Holding a teething baby all day long.
Finding those black dress shoes you didn’t know you needed for the band concert.
Putting together a little gift to show the teachers how much you appreciate them.
Making sure you have the supplies for s’mores on hand just in case you have a last minute fire.
Getting the spring water from the store so the beta fish doesn’t die.
Our boys are all school age now and I am still a stay at home mom.
Honestly, I was nervous about what others would think when all of our boys were in school and I wasn’t working outside the home. It gave me anxiety to talk about it. (You too? Read Kids are Back to School, What Now for Homemakers?.)
Being a homemaker is one of the most important jobs you will ever do. It doesn’t matter if you are doing it during daytime hours, or after a long day of work. It’s huge.
Sometimes that means you are running from child to child all day long and constantly feeling like you are running on empty.
Sometimes that means you are taking care of the groceries, meal planning, cleaning, cooking, laundry, taking care of pets, or repairing appliances while your kids are at school and then spending time with your kids and husband in the evenings.
For us, it means there is always one parent home and available on sick days, no school days, summer breaks. It means on those evenings when my husband is back at work, we still have a parent home to pick kids up from events or be at home with the others.
My husband and I have talked lately about the difference it makes with me being a homemaker even after our kids have grown.
- It allows meal planning, prepping, shopping, library runs, cleaning, and so much more to be taken care of during the day. Yes, my husband and kids still work around the house and have responsibilities, but those responsibilities aren’t constantly carrying over into our evenings and weekends because more is taken care of during the day. Need some help learning how to be an efficient homemaker?
- It allows me to be a part of other things I wouldn’t normally have time for: contributing to this blog, helping to lead and set up our kids program at church, leading a small group, making and selling earrings.
- It makes a huge difference in our marriage. With the kids in school we can take day dates on my husband’s day off or tackle a big project. We often get to eat lunch together. I am home most of the time so when a meeting or practice comes up, we have the Home Front covered.
>> Read A Quick Devotion on Selflessness for Homemakers
Bible Verses About Homemaking
When I took some time to look at the life of Jesus in the New Testament, I saw that he faced many of the experiences we as homemakers face while raising our children.
He saw people make wrong choices all the time and still loved them. That may make you laugh a little, but really, look at the similarity.
He helped people work through fear and anxiety.
He had people following him around everywhere and hardly had time to sleep. His closest friends never wanted to let him out of their sight!
He was always trying to teach and shepherd. Up until the end of his life on this earth, he continued to give new grace and mercies each day.
The following Bible verses about homemaking give me encouragement and help me to keep my eyes and mind focused on Him. I hope they give you the same encouragement to see the importance of a homemaker.
1| Colossians 3:23
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”
2| Proverbs 31:27, 28
“She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.”
>> Read Christian Homemaking: Intentional Christian Living for Women
3| Proverbs 22:6
“Start children off in the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”
4| Galatians 6:9
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
Declare “I am a Homemaker” With the Reverence it Deserves
Being a homemaker is incredibly difficult. It is also one of the biggest ways to show others how the love and grace from Jesus helps you get through each day.
Accepting God’s grace and refusing to give it to others doesn’t work. I picture it like a circle. God’s grace changes me >> helps me to give grace >> points others back to God’s grace.
I want to challenge you to take another look at the importance of a homemaker.
We saw earlier in Proverbs what an honorable job being a homemaker is. Watching over the affairs of your house. Training up your children in the way they should go.
Does this mean that we get it right every single day? Nope. Far from it. But that’s the lesson on grace, again.
We should be proud to say “I am a Homemaker” with confidence the next time we are asked.
Wrapping Up the Importance of a Homemaker
I’m not sure where this post finds you. Maybe you are working outside the home full time and are looking to become a full time homemaker. If that’s you, check out Want to be a Homemaker? Practical Tips to Make Your Dream a Reality.
Maybe you are working full time outside the home and carry the heart of a homemaker. You are a rock star. I am cheering you on big time.
Maybe you work part time and find that works awesome for your family. It’s the perfect mix and still provides a little extra income.
Maybe you are a full time homemaker who is looking for some encouragement and have had a hard day, week, month, or year. (Cue FRIENDS theme song!)
No matter where you are on your journey, don’t miss this:
As a homemaker, you are making a huge difference in the lives of your family, which can change their eternity.
That, my friend, is something you should be very proud of!
Read Also:
Thrive as a Homemaker: a 7 day devotion to help you fall in love with your role
Modern Homemaking for Christian Moms
Being a Good Steward of Time for Homemakers
The Top Homemaking Skills You Still Need (even though they’re old-fashioned)
Best Items On Amazon For Homemakers