Heart Change for Homemakers: Devotions about Homemaking

A peek inside this post: Do you want to be encouraged in your homemaking duties? Check out these printable devotions for homemakers and be reminded of the significance of what you do on a daily basis. With these devotions about homemaking, you will be encouraged to see what God says on the topic, and learn to fall in love with your role and start thriving as a homemaker!

It’s only natural for people to want to feel equipped to do their job. Why should homemakers be any different?

At Just Homemaking, we believe that when we honor God through biblical homemaking, it changes and affects us from the inside out.

The heart-change in us carries over to our homes and to our families. And then that impact in our homes and families pours out to others– making ripple effects for the people we do life with, and for the generations that will come after us.

If we want to thrive, if we want the impact, if we want the GENERATIONAL RIPPLES, we have to start with those key steps first:

Honor God.

Heart Change.

Only then will we see lasting effects and be able to truly thrive in our roles as homemakers.

Let’s get started on that heart change, shall we?

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How to Use These Devotions About Homemaking

Each day consists of scripture with bible verses about homemaking – or verses that can be applied to the homemakers, because as we know from 2 Timothy 3:16-17:

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

2 Timothy 3:16-17

I don’t know about you, but I want to be equipped for every good work!

There are also stories and examples of real life application, a notes/journaling section for introspection (in the Book), and a challenge to help you live out these verses and start living out your Godly role as a homemaker!

This devo is part of our Devotional Workbook we sell on Amazon, Heart Change: A Devotional for Homemakers, but you can start reading for free!

You could complete this short study alone, or maybe with a couple of friends or even a women’s group!

Heart Change devotional for homemakers

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7 Devotions About Homemaking to Help You Fall in Love With Your Role

Day 1| Proverbs 16:3

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”

Proverbs 16:3

This verse has been quoted so many times that I think we can often overlook its direction. Another translation reads, “Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.”

As a homemaker, I very much like the idea of my plans succeeding.

Plans to cook, clean, do laundry, have things just so.

I have plans for my husband and children to feel well taken care of and acknowledge all the ways I’ve done so.

Proverbs 16:3 Image

Plans to take a well-deserved seat on the couch and put my feet up after a long day.

But how often or how deeply am I committing myself to the Lord as I make all these plans? 


The truth is, I’m often focused on the gratifying checking off of tasks on my to-do list and feel frustrated when my plans or schedule are disturbed. Am I really committing to the Lord? Am I completely depending on him to make my plans successful, to establish my steps?

When the work we do aligns with the will of God, then success will follow. I know that being a homemaker aligns with the will of God, and we will talk more about His instructions for homemakers later in this devo, but first, let’s think about where we struggle with depending on Him in our role.

I know personally, I forget to commit to Him during my mundane tasks. As a homemaker, it’s so easy to roll up my sleeves and wash that dish, make that meal, or scrub that floor without asking God how he would have me spend my day.

It’s not that the tasks I’m doing are displeasing to God. Rather, I struggle with letting him be a part of them!

My husband and I send each other texts throughout the day. We like to check in, share about our day, and show we’re thinking about each other. It’s a great way to stay connected while our jobs and schedules have us in different places doing different things.

God wants to know we’re thinking of him, too. God wants to be connected with us during our day, too. 

Let’s commit to the Lord by including Him in our day.


Let God know you’re thinking about Him! Read His word, listen to worship music without multitasking, spend some quality time just talking to Him and showering Him with sweet words from your heart. And then bring Him along as you perform your homemaking tasks today. I’m sure He’d love to join you.


Dear God,

I am so sorry for excluding you from my day. I often have tunnel-vision and forget to spend the time with you that you deserve.

Will you hang out with me today? I have some ideas but am up for whatever you think is best.

Thank you for always making time for me, even when I fail to do the same for you. You are good and you want good for me. I commit myself to you and know that you will establish my steps.

In Jesus’ name,



How do you think your homemaking might be transformed if you started each day by asking God to hang out with you? If you chatted with Him while you made beds or drank your coffee? If you asked Him to encourage and motivate you while performing the dreaded task of deep cleaning the dishwasher? If you simply said, “Lord, I am just crazy about you.”

Day 2| Proverbs 14:1

“The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.”

Proverbs 14:1

Do me a favor: cover up the second half of this scripture and just focus on, “The wise woman builds her house,”. 

What do you envision about yourself when you read just that first half? How do you see yourself as a wise woman building her house?

For me, I picture myself at my very best. Hair and makeup both beautiful and effortless. Dressed in something stylish yet comfortable. My home is clean and tidy, decorated tastefully with just the right touches.

Machines give witness to my productivity in the background of an otherwise quiet home: the gentle hum of the dishwasher, the whirring of the washing machine, the satisfying aroma of something bubbling on the stove.

Things are thriving and it makes me feel like I have my life together. Even my posture is better in this self-conjured image. Way to go, Imaginary Me!

Proverbs 14:1 Image

Now, cover up the first half of the verse and instead put your eyes and mind toward, “but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.”

Eck. What does this part of the scripture make you think of? Are you maybe remembering some times you’ve been foolish or self sabotaging?


My mind immediately went to the early days of being a young married couple when my husband and I had no idea how to budget! When I think now of wasteful, foolish decisions we made, I still tense up and am riddled with regret all these years later.

I have to remember to give our younger selves some grace because we simply didn’t know what we didn’t know.

And honestly, I wish I could say I was only financially foolish, but alas, my sometimes-senselessness seeped into other areas under my responsibility, too. Like time management and efficiency.

I feel like a warning would have been helpful for younger me. A “watch out for this pitfall” type of message.

And really, as I examine today’s scripture, I feel like that’s exactly what it is. A warning. 


As homemakers, isn’t it amazing the influence we have over our homes? The honor is huge, but so is the responsibility.

Just as much as our wise choices can positively influence our home, how damaging can our poor choices be to it and those who dwell in it?

I don’t know about you, but the idea that my own actions could be the downfall of my entire home and family is a heavy weight.

Collins Dictionary says, “A wise person is able to use their experience and knowledge in order to make sensible decisions and judgements.”

I love that definition because it leaves room for constant growth. It doesn’t say, “a wise person is someone who always gets it right,” or “a wise person was simply born that way.” Rather, a wise person uses their experience (good and bad) to be more sensible.

If we’re honest with ourselves, we can admit that we’re not done acting foolishly, at least not in a permanent sense. Knowing that we will never be perfect we can at least commit to not playing the part of a fool so willingly.

We can choose to seek wisdom over folly, to learn from our past mistakes and bad habits, and to make the wise choice rather than the easy one.

Sometimes that means making that grocery order so your weekly meals are planned and purchased, rather than hoping dinner will just make itself. (Spoiler alert: it won’t!)

Sometimes that means filling up at the gas station on your way home from your kid’s sporting event, even though you’re really tired, instead of telling yourself you’ll do it in the morning. (Why do we always run late on those mornings?!)

Sometimes that means saying no to a purchase you really, really want but don’t actually need. Other times it’s the hard task of prioritizing all the legitimate needs for whichever one is the most needed.

Sometimes that means biting your tongue, even when you have the perfect response.

Sometimes it’s admitting to yourself, God, and maybe others, that you have a problem and need help or education in a certain area so you don’t keep making the same mistakes.


Examine areas in your life that you might be living foolishly. Brainstorm some ideas (alone or with a support person) where you can start implementing small changes that will make a big difference. 


Heavenly Father,

You are so good and so wise. You don’t do a single thing without purpose and intentionality.

I long to be more like you, Lord.

I want to be doing things on purpose to set myself up for success, rather than being surprised by the consequences of situations I’ve created for myself!

I seek you and pray that you would bless me with wisdom and discernment. Help me to build my house and love my family well. Send your Holy Spirit to guide me and lead me on a path for the wise, rather than that of the foolish.

Help me draw on past experience but more than that, to lean on your Word, rather than my own understanding.

I pray these things in your Son’s name, who, when walking earth as a man,  had to make decisions daily, and always, always chose wisely and selflessly.



Who is a woman you consider to be wise? What about her or the way she lives gives you that impression of her? Is there anything you could ask her as you strive to be more wise?

Wrapping Up Devotions about Homemaking

This sample of our devo speaks to the heart of what we hope to accomplish here at Just Homemaking: to be a place where Christian Moms can find Heart Change as they grow closer to Jesus and learn about their Biblical value as a Homemaker.

If you’d like to join us for more Biblical encouragement for homemakers:

Heart Change for Homemakers Workbook Devotion Cover

With stunning pages, this beautiful workbook includes a notes/journaling section for each of the daily reflection questions, scripture cards that you can cut out and display as you impress God’s word on your heart, and an overall lovely yet simple layout that will have you excited to turn each page!

Heart Change for Homemakers Workbook Devotion Inside

We hope these Devotions about Homemaking encourage you to treasure the gift of Christian homemaking and helps equip you for what God has in store for you in this role!

Read Also:

Modern Homemaking for Christian Moms in Today’s World

A Quick Devotion on Selflessness for Homemakers

Being a Good Steward of Time for Homemakers

Importance of a Homemaker (In Case You Needed to Be Reminded of Your Value)

I Love Being a Homemaker!

How to be an Efficient Homemaker: 11 Simple Routines

How Batching the Housework Completely Transformed My Homemaking

Devotions About Homemaking


2 thoughts on “Heart Change for Homemakers: Devotions about Homemaking”

  1. I only just found your website today: I’ve been a stay at home Mum and now I’m a full time office Ninja, but with a heart for home and a newly revived faith in Jesus. I’ve enjoyed the posts I’ve read so far: it’s good to see so much new and even more inspiring homemaking help than when I was a SAHM. I’ve ordered your devotional: looking forward to re-establishing my devotional time in August. Thank you for sharing so much.


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