Dear Exhausted Mom of Toddler: Words You Need to Hear

A peek inside this post: Exhausted mom of toddler, we see you! These days are hard. Please read this encouragement for tired moms (and praise the Lord– bible verses for tired moms!) and know that you are not alone in your struggles.

When my kids were under age two, life as a mom was REALLY hard. For me, it was an incredibly isolating time. I went from a life with friends and freedom to a life of constant needs and exhaustion.

Maybe you’ve been there or maybe you’re there right now.

Even as a Christian woman who had dreamed of being a stay at home mom, I still didn’t know how to get my mind right. I was still grieving the loss of my old life… as if I expected my children to fill the exact same puzzle pieces that my independent life created. I found myself in a situation where I was an exhausted mom of toddlers.

>> You can read more about adjusting to being a stay home mom in my post Modern Homemaking for Christian Moms

What an incredible blessing God gives us when He entrusts a child in our care.

There are so many sweet moments that I loved and enjoyed, and it wasn’t all difficult. But from my experience chatting with other moms, many women do need encouragement as they figure out these first few years.

pin for pinterest: Are you being bested by your toddler? Read this encouragement!

Are You an Exhausted Mom of a Toddler?

Often times the wife/mom in the home juggles many hats. We are balancing loving and communicating with our husbands, kids’ needs, and taking care of our home (planning, cleaning, organizing, preparing) constantly.

To add children under the age of two to this mix makes it a tremendous challenge. They need to be watched almost every second they’re awake to keep them safe and happy.

>> Is this part of your journey particularly trying? Read Pep Talk for Mamas Going Through a Hard Season in Parenting

Going to other people’s homes or taking them outside can be draining when you’re nursing or have a toddler who wants to explore every new thing. Sometimes babies won’t let you leave them with someone else for more than an hour or two when they are nursing and refuse to take a bottle.

I See You, and I Remember How Hard it Was

For you moms who are in the trenches with little ones, I want to sympathize with you just like I have with my own sister. The baby stage is tough!

exhausted mom with toddler

My sister has a one year old and a three year old. She’s in the “Up Every Night Because Kids Don’t Want to Sleep, Waking at 5 for the Day, Little One Is So Upset That He Made Himself Puke, Constant ‘Don’t Touch That,’ Come Back Here,’ and Diapers on Diapers” stage.

I feel for her because I was just there. No one can relieve you from that, nor do you want them to (completely, anyway).

>> Read 15 Simple Solutions When You’re in a Funk or Feeling Blah

They Will Grow, and So Will You: Encouragement for Tired Moms

I am happy to look back on this stage of life now that we are done having babies. My youngest is now three and is the fourth kid in our family. He’s very laid back and goes with the flow (praise God!). He’s now potty trained, puts on his shoes when we’re heading out the door, and besides asking WHY a million times a day, he’s on his way to being fairly independent.

The biggest milestone for me as a mom currently is that I can send all of my kids outside to play and I can stay inside to make dinner. It’s amazing!!

I know that you might be in the thick of Toddlerhood and those words practically make it sound like I’m bragging. They might sting a little. I know it seem like those days may never come for you. But I promise, they will!

You’re doing amazing work when everyone is all alive at the end of each day. This baby stage of life will pass. It gets SO much easier after you pour into their hearts and train them up those first couple years.

>> Read The Pressure to be a Perfect Mom is OFF!

They begin to talk with you and you get to know their little hearts. You find out what they love and what makes them tic. It is so fun to get to know these little people in a new way! You send them off to school and have “proud mom” moments. You get to encourage these little people to seek God as they shape what they will grow up to be.

mom holding her daughter and giving her a kiss

I may write a post someday trying to encourage moms of older kids, because I imagine that the next stage of life as a parent will be equally or more taxing. But for now, I can only share what I’ve learned.

(Update: I did write that post! It’s called Seasons of Motherhood. Learn how to appreciate the changing seasons that come from living in the (Mother)hood.)

Your babies will grow up. They will need you a little bit less. And you will someday get to gather your thoughts, think for yourself, and use your brain for things that you’re passionate about (outside of your family).

Let God pour into you and learn all that He wants to teach you right now. Rely on Him in a deeper way. Enjoy this stage you’re in and take in all of the wonderful things.

Quote from a Pin on Pinterest I saved a few years ago…

“You will never be this loved again. So on those days when you are feeling stressed out, touched out, and depleted, just remember that you will never be this loved again. One day you will long for their affection. So choose a soft voice, choose gentle hands, choose love.”


Bible Verses for Tired Moms

Think of these baby years as God shaping you for your future. He wants us to love deeper, serve others more willingly, surrender to Him more everyday. What better way to learn this than to raise little ones?

It helped me to move onto this next phase of life where they need me a tiny bit less, with the ability to still give them all I can to teach them how to love the Lord and be diligent as they grow in a closer relationship with Him. Don’t miss 8 Tips for Building a Strong Christian Family to help you raise these little people into disciples!

woman carrying small child

By no means do I get it all right, but I have gained so much more persistence since I went through the baby phase, and it inspires me to continue giving this mom-thing all I have.

I would love to leave you with these bible verses for tired moms that helped me through the toddler years and beyond:

1| Matthew 11:28-29

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

2| Isaiah 40:28

Do you not know? Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.

3| Romans 8:26-28

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

4| John 4:13-14

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

Exhausted Mom of Toddler – Next Steps

We, at Just Homemaking, are four moms who understand the difficulties of the changing stages of motherhood. If you’ve found encouragement with this post, please join our email list to receive weekly posts, tips, challenges, and free printables. You might also enjoy our devo for burned out moms.

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Dear Exhausted Mom of Toddler: Words You Need to Hear


4 thoughts on “Dear Exhausted Mom of Toddler: Words You Need to Hear”

  1. This was so good and true! It’s really hard to remember that “this too, shall pass” when you’re in the trenches of raising little ones who just need you sooo much. I also have 4 kids and just realized this summer that they could play outside without me – and it was awesome but also bittersweet. Each year they need me a little less, or at least the ways they need me are changing. But it’s all part of the growing process- for them, and for me. There’s always something to learn in every stage and it’s a great blessing to witness. 🙂

    • Absolutely a blessing to witness, Brandi <3 I bet more bittersweet is to come as they need us less and less. Thanks for sharing your perspective!

  2. Having one of “those days” today. Thank you for this. It’s encouraging that someone can write their experience and it explain my exact current season. I know this season will pass soon and I pray that God give me the strength to enjoy this as much as possible. Prayers for me to be content and grateful in these years.
    -Mom of 2 toddler boys


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