Simmer Down: a 5 Day Devotion for Burned Out Moms

A peek inside this post: Feeling overwhelmed and run down? Check out this devo for burned out moms and let the scripture of the Lord refresh you!

Thank you for checking out our set of devotions for burned out moms. We face so many hurdles as moms and sometimes forget to go to the source of life: our creator. Who knit us together so intentionally.

As moms it’s often hard to hear our own thoughts. With these devotions, we want to encourage you to spend some time in God’s word and give you the opportunity to slow down and connect with God as you raise his children.

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How to Use This Devo for Burned Out Moms

This post has 5 daily devotions to help you avoid mom burnout. Each day consists of scripture to fill you up with God’s truth. There are also stories and examples of real life application, a notes/journaling section for introspection (in the printable version), and a challenge to help you live out these verses and stop feeling so overwhelmed!

You can complete this short study alone, or maybe with a couple of friends or even a women’s group! Chances are, if you’re feeling burned out or overwhelmed, another mom in your life is, too!

For your convenience, we have put this devotion in an easy to use PDF format. You can access it digitally on this page, or print it out for a hard copy with beautiful graphics and a spot to jot your notes/journal as you reflect.

Skip down to our free printable devo for burned out moms!

How to Avoid Mom Burnout Devotional

Day 1| Philippians 4:19

 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. 

As moms it’s easy to put yourself on the back burner. To put your wants and needs aside so that you can serve your kids and your husband. 

I honestly don’t think that’s what God is intending us to do. 

Should we serve our family? Absolutely yes. 

We should ALSO take a look at the needs we have spiritually, physically, and emotionally. 

Philippians 4:19 devotion


Children learn best by watching how others live their life.  If we are spending the entirety of our days cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, and running on empty, that just shows our kids how to do the same. 

It’s a lot harder when your kids are really young or have special needs, but if you can set up boundaries for yourself, you all will be better off. Here’s how that might look:

  • Tell your kids that you are going to take a few minutes to spend with God. 
  • Tell them that you would love to play that game, but you are only able to for 15 minutes. 
  • Get to bed when your body needs to.
  • Show them how to take care of themselves physically and the impact it plays on the rest of the day.
  • Model what having a respectful conversation looks like between two disagreeing people. 

God promises to meet all our needs. He knows the needs we have that we might not be able to share with anybody else. 

He is our Comforter and our Prince of Peace.

He knows how lonely parenting can feel. He knows that you have those bills piling up. He knows that your teenager is mad that he has to deal with his own consequences.


Make time today to share your needs with God and thank him for the good you see in your life.


Dear God, thank you for seeing me. For loving me as I am. For listening when I need to talk. You made me and you know what I need even before I do. 

I want to make my relationship with you a daily priority. I know that I do life better when I feel your love for me. 

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


How does asking God to meet your needs make a difference in your relationship with your kids? If your kids see you turning on a worship song, reading through a Psalm, or writing in your prayer journal for just a few minutes when the day gets tough, do you think they are going to see a God they can count on to meet their needs?

Day 2| 2 Corinthians 12:9

But he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

The more I realize that I need grace, the more I am willing to give it. The gift of being accepted raw and unfiltered is so powerful. 

God’s grace is sufficient for you. It is enough. It is more than adequate. 

Not only is God’s grace sufficient for you, but it is also sufficient for your kids. 

God’s power is made perfect in our weakness. Everybody’s weakness.  

The more years of parenting I have under my belt, the more I realize I need Jesus.

I need his unconditional love. His constant presence. His forgiveness. 

By admitting that, I believe we see exactly what Paul meant when he wrote that God’s power is made perfect in our weakness. 

2 Corinthians 12:9 Devotion


The more time we spend focusing on our own relationship with God, the less time we are going to spend critiquing our kids and what they should be doing differently. 

Jesus was constantly being judged by the religious leaders when he walked the earth. They were so focused on what Jesus was doing “wrong”, they had no idea that they were pushing people away from the one and only source of acceptance and freedom found in Jesus.

On those days when we lose our temper with our kids, (or maybe we never had it to begin with that morning), his grace is sufficient.

On those days when everybody is posting how great their family is on social media, remember: comparing with other families will only make you think about what you lack. Don’t do it. His grace is sufficient. 

When we are weak, He is strong. He isn’t strong when we can do everything right on our own. 


Write this verse down on a notecard and set it by your bed. Read it when you wake up and before your feet hit the floor. Read it again before you go to sleep. 

God’s grace is new every single morning for you and your kids. 


Dear God, we thank you that your love never fails. Your grace is abounding. I lay my hurt, my insecurities, my frustrations at your feet.

Thank you for loving me so much that you sent Jesus. Fill me with your Holy Spirit, help me to see how much I need your grace, and help me to give it in return to my family.

In my weakness, you are strong. Amen.


How could my day go differently if I paused and genuinely thanked God for his grace throughout my day? Would I be more aware of how much I need it?

Day 3| James 1:5

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

Give me all the wisdom. I can’t tell you how many times I have asked God for wisdom and then sat there, waiting for my burning bush to come and deliver a message to me, telling me exactly what decision I should make next. 

I have yet to receive my burning bush. 

Just because I haven’t had fire come down from heaven doesn’t mean that God isn’t giving me wisdom. 

Wisdom comes in a variety of ways.

James 1:5 Devotion


God uses others to share wisdom. Sometimes it’s one of our own parents, a neighbor, a teacher, a friend, a complete stranger. They say just what you needed to hear to help you get through that tough day and tough moment. God uses people.

Sometimes the wisdom we gain comes with hindsight. Sometimes it follows a decision that went south. God shows us another option that would have been better.

Sometimes we have to go back and rework things based on the wisdom we gained after making a mistake.

Sometimes wisdom comes from God’s word. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve come across a verse consistently throughout my week.

It’s the verse I’m teaching about in Sunday School.

It’s the verse I come across in my personal reading.

It’s mentioned in a book.

It’s a line in a song I keep hearing on the radio.

It’s everywhere. 

God is a promise keeper. If he says he is going to give us wisdom, he is going to give us wisdom. It may not be as deliberate or timely as we would like, but most things in life aren’t. 


Be bold and ask for wisdom. For yourself, your spouse, and your kids. 

Then listen and watch. 


Dear God, please give me wisdom. I wish I didn’t have to make so many decisions. You promise that you will generously give me wisdom. Please give me the eyes to see you work. Thank you for caring about all the decisions I face each day. I love you.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


When faced with hard decisions today, will I pause and ask God for wisdom or will I spend my time doing another task or scrolling through social media because I don’t know what to do next? Ask and you will receive. Just be ready to keep your eyes open to see Him working!

Day 4| Matthew 11:28

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,  and I will give you rest.

Are moms ever fully rested? Even on those nights you get several hours of consecutive sleep, you are still mentally exhausted from carrying the load of the family in your mind. 

I don’t think I have ever met somebody who doesn’t get excited about rest. 

Rest is defined as “to cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength.”

If we are honest, we all want to relax, refresh, and recover our body and mind.

Matthew 11:28 Devotion


It’s hard, I get it. Stuff still has to get done.

Dinner still needs to be made, kids still need to be picked up, lunches need to be taken care of, and they do in fact need clean laundry. 

The great news is that the kids can learn to do much of that on their own as they get older!

When the kids are little, much of your time is spent feeding your babies and changing diapers or toilet training. Then the day is over and you wonder how on earth you could be so exhausted.

God wants you to bring yourself to Him. Your tired, frustrated, hungry self. He understands more than anybody how you feel. 

By letting your walls down and inviting God into your day, He has the opportunity to give you rest. Rest for your soul. Rest that helps you to respond with the love and respect that you want to have.


Grab a gratitude journal and as soon as you wake up, write about your thankfulness for a night of rest. Even if it was a really short night and you were up with sick kids, write about how thankful you are for your bed. Your pillows. Your cozy blankets. 

Throughout your day write one or two more sentences in your journal. 

“I am thankful for this cup of tea. I am thankful we get an evening at home tonight. I am thankful I got one load of laundry done.”

Come before God and tell him what you appreciate and feel your soul getting refreshed. Your mind is getting refreshed. Even though you might crave more sleep, God is helping you to recover strength you didn’t know you had.


Dear God, thank you for the air in my lungs, my cozy slippers, and the feel of the sunshine coming in the window. I am tired and long for your rest. Fill me with you today, and help me to remember the invitation to come to you each and every moment I need your rest.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Scrolling through the internet seems like a great way to give yourself rest, but is it really? For me, it keeps my mind going and sometimes causes me to feel less rested when I get off. What would sitting in fresh air for just a couple minutes, feeling the breaths in my body rise and fall, and listening to the creation God has made do for my body instead?

Day 5| Colossians 3:23 

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.

Let’s be honest, our work as moms isn’t always appreciated. In fact, it isn’t until much later that we may see the fruit of our labors. 

When I think of working at something with “all of my heart” I think about showing up consistently. Trying different strategies when things don’t work.

Even when I work at something with all my heart I don’t always feel it to be successful. But doing something for a God who loves me deeply gives me motivation.

Colossians 3:23 Devotion


I love the first few words of this verse. “Whatever you do…”

I love that everything is covered and everything is noticed. As moms we serve our family from sun up to sun down and even the hours in between.

For me, I sometimes feel frustrated when I don’t feel appreciated. 

If I spent a lot of time chopping up ingredients and working on a meal that gets eaten in about six minutes. Sure the kids eat it and often enjoy it and say thank you, but do they know the time it took to plan the meal, shop for the meal, prep the meal, serve the meal?

God knows.

He sees all the steps you took and that you went to two different stores because there are random food shortages.

Or the clean bathroom that lasts about a minute. Toilets are one of my least favorite things to clean, especially in a house of all boys. 

I serve my family better when I remember I am serving the Lord.

It’s not because I think that God will love me more when I serve my family better. It’s because He loves me so much that it makes me WANT to serve my family better. 

His love gives me strength I didn’t realize I had. Patience that I know I don’t have on my own. 


Go out of your way to verbally appreciate every big and small thing your kids have done to serve today. Remember today, that the Lord sees every big and small way to serve. Let your acknowledgement of your kids’ actions allow you to serve with confidence knowing that your creator sees you and loves you.


Dear God, thank you for noticing every detail of my day. Please help me to remember that I am showing our kids glimpses of you as I serve them each day. Please help me to remember that I am working for the Lord through the mundane moments of my day and that God is using me day in and day out as our kids grow and develop their own beliefs.



What are your least favorite tasks? Grocery shopping? Cleaning up the kitchen after supper? Do you think your attitude towards these tasks would change if God was watching you, showering you with words of affirmation as you completed each one?

Wrapping Up this Burned Out Mom Devo

I hope you found these devos encouraging to you as a mom. Each of these devotions were inspired by scriptures placed on my heart or struggles that I have been working through in my own life.

We at Just Homemaking are here for you and hope these words make your day brighter and leave you feeling encouraged in your journey of being a mom. 

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Burned out moms devotion

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We hope you love this devo and that it encourages you as you mother your child(ren). God knew just what He was doing when He chose YOU to be a mama! 

Read Also:

10 Tips on How to be a Good Christian Mom

New Focus for Moms: Trusting God’s Plan in your Parenting

Resting in God’s Grace: a Quick Guide for Moms

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Devotion for Burned Out Moms


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