Temporary Healing?

I wonder if the blind man that Jesus healed ever worried that his sight was just temporary, or if the woman with the bleeding issue ever thought for sure she was going to start bleeding again. What about Elizabeth? Do you think she spent her first trimester wondering if she was going to miscarry? Maybe. I am not sure what they were thinking, but I do know a little about human nature, and doubt surely tends to creep in pretty regularly. At least I know it does for me.

The Miracle

The other night, the hubs and I were snuggling into bed. Just getting comfortable on the pillow, I opened my eyes and couldn’t see out of my left eye. I’ve had migraines before where my sight gets a little blurry around the edges, but this felt different. I closed my eyes and opened again… still no sight in my left eye. I freaked out, and just “knew” that I was going to be blind for the rest of my life.

I’m usually a pretty positive person, but sometimes that notion that something bad is going to happen just grabs a hold of me. Fear had its grip on me. I told Jason that I couldn’t see anything except blur in the middle of my eyes. His immediate response was to lay his hands on me and pray for my vision to clear. I prayed right along with him and believed for healing. We said “Amen,” and there was still no vision. It wasn’t until my hubs turned on the bedroom light that my vision came back.

Recognizing God

There are all sorts of parallels I can make to vision coming when the light turns on. I was overwhelmed and so excited because I knew I had witnessed a miracle. The excitement rested over me as I drifted off to sleep, thanking Jesus for His healing power.

Next morning, I woke up with a bit of a headache and my eye felt a little strange. Remember that fear that gripped me the night before? Well, I guess I hadn’t shaken it entirely. So, I did what any miracle-believing person does, I spent the day thinking that my vision was about to leave me at any time. Ugh. I wish I could say that I trusted in the miracle that happened, but I struggled.

I kept thinking to myself that a miracle seemed too good to be true, and questioned if God did miracles for people like me.

I chose to forget about all the miracles that I have seen in my life and trusted in my emotions and feelings. By the afternoon, my excitement had worn off and I was feeling sad and a little bit frustrated that I was probably about to lose my sight again. It wasn’t until after dinner that I processed why I was feeling crabby. I realized that I was looking for God to let me down. Then I realized that it took just as much faith to believe that He let me down as it did for me to believe that I was healed.

Look For The Miracle Maker

Do you ever live in fear of the past, the sickness, the diagnosis, the trends, the future, the (fill in the blank)?

Friends, we need to let go of what is holding us back and trust the one who holds us in His hands!

Let’s trust that we’ve been set free, because John 8:36 reminds us that “who the Son sets free is free indeed!” Believe me, I know that there are times it’s easier to stay stuck in the fear and the worry: to keep our eyes on all of the ways we’ve been let down in this life. Life is hard but Jesus came to set us free. He is that Healer, but we live in a fallen world. We can trust His promise in Isaiah that reminds us that, “by His stripes we are healed.”

Even if my eyesight left again, that wouldn’t take away from the fact that I witnessed a miracle right there in my room at bedtime. If He did it once, He can do it again. Jesus said, “Take up your mat and walk,” and the guy got up and walked. As he was walking away, I don’t think he looked back to see if Jesus really meant it. Let’s believe that Jesus still does miracles and we can trust Him to do them in our lives.

Focusing on Jesus

How can we miss the miracle when our eyes are focused on Jesus? Look for the light. His light will guide us to a place where our faith can be bigger than our fears. I want to keep my eyes open and ready to see miracles in the midst of this mess we call life. We can believe for our miracles right in the midst of our mess. It is not easy! I live here on “The Hot Mess Express.” I promise you that there is always “mess” going on over here. Sometimes the mess is emotional, sometimes it is physical, sometimes it is relational, and sometimes it is all of the above.

If I live focused on The Mess, then I miss The Miracle.

Sometimes you just need your vision taken away for a bit to remember this, or maybe that is just me.

Let’s fix our eyes on Jesus, my sweet friends, and we can’t go wrong. The miracle will be there because we will see the Miracle Maker. That’s where I want to live, come with me?

Next Steps


2 thoughts on “Temporary Healing?”

  1. This is so good! I needed to hear this so much. It’s so hard to not keep looking back at our fearful moments and trust that He has this. He is always walking with us and wants us to cry out as sons and daughters of Christ that we need Him. Then we must trust and move forward joyfully in our day praising Him.


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