How to Get Over Yourself and Start Honoring God in Your Homemaking

A peek inside this post: Wondering how to honor God in your homemaking? Everyone deals with the battle between Spirit and Flesh, and we are no exception. Learn how to glorify God as a homemaker and stop letting your sinful nature win!

I constantly struggle between my Spirit and Flesh. Do you?

As a Christian homemaker, I try my best to serve God and my family, and do the right thing in all areas as best as I can. I am realizing, though, how my sin impacts moments throughout each day.

Throughout most of my days, I struggle to not give into my sinful emotions. It’s so easy to fully give into this and allow your attitude to go wherever it wants.

When I’m tired is when I’m weakest. I can be short-tempered, self-serving, and hurtful with my words. On those bad days, it’s usually my husband and kids (who I love the most) that get the worst of me.

If you’re like me, you’re sick of letting your sinful nature win all the time. Let’s work on glorifying God as homemakers together!

If you’re ready to get over yourself and start choosing spirit over flesh, then stick with me through this post.

pin for pinterest with a woman outside with her coffee mug:
How to focus on God and feel more content.

Honoring God in Your Homemaking: Choosing Between Spirit and Flesh

For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.

Galatians 5:17

It’s much more challenging to be self-aware when your thoughts are of your flesh, than it is to go about your day and not be mindful of your thoughts.

Paul talks about the struggle in Romans that he has between his Spirit and Flesh.

Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Romans 7:21-25


My “flesh” wins when I give into sin. My flesh wins when I lose my patience with my 8 year old son, when I talk negatively about my husband, or when I care more about myself than I do for others who need something.

Tired homemaker on the couch, feeling drained.

>> Read A Quick Devotion on Selflessness for Homemakers

My flesh also wins when I want my kids to leave me alone so I can write a new blog post. (“Kids, leave me alone so I can write about intentional parenting!”) I’m a mom and I love being a mom…so why do I expect that my kids should ever not need me in some way?


My “spirit” is God’s words in my heart, living and breathing and changing me daily to be more like Jesus. I feel this spirit when my day begins with thoughts of God and what He has done for me. His Spirit is at work in my heart when I stop myself from saying a hurtful comment.

Homemaker washing dishes at the sink

I’m choosing to live in spirit when I want to lay on the couch and tune out, but instead I serve my family by prepping dinner ahead of time. My spirit wins when I get on stage at church to do a skit… ‘cause God knows my flesh does NOT want to do that.

Don’t Overthink It: Glorifying God in Your Homemaking is Not Rocket Science

Don’t get me wrong… when you watch TV, it doesn’t mean you’re sinning. I’m simply talking about being obedient to what God has called you.

That means using your talents for Him, submitting your “job” to Him, or living out the fruits of the Spirit to honor Him. It could also include other things God has called YOU to do. Each of us is in different places in our faith and we all have unique gifts to use.

>>>Need some inspiration? Check out Hobbies for Homemakers!

Women also need to make sure they take care of their own well being. It’s ok for us to relax sometimes and recharge. It’s ok for us to do things that fuel us and make us happy. Read more about Soul Care for Women: The Recharge You Need.

woman praying with her bible in her lap

But we also have to be taking our plans to God, laying them at His feet, and self-reflecting to determine if we are using our time to glorify Him.

A Still Small Voice

Are you listening to that “still, small voice” as mentioned in 1 Kings to Elisha? I love how this idea is described at Got Questions. “…the gospel is a gentle voice of love, grace, and mercy, of peace, pardon, righteousness, and the free gift of salvation through Christ.”

God often whispers to us throughout our day and it’s our choice whether we listen or whether we’re too preoccupied to hear Him.

He can most easily speak to us as we read the Bible and meditate on what He is saying. I’ve heard before that reading the Bible is God’s way of speaking to us, when prayer is our way of speaking to God. This isn’t the only way God speaks, but it is a really simple way to hear from God daily.

woman sitting quietly, reflecting

It’s often in those quiet times of reflection that we experience His goodness, grace, and love. We can calm our minds and know that He ultimately wins, no matter what.

>> Read Also Resting in God’s Grace: a Quick Guide for Moms

How to Honor God as a Homemaker

1| Start your day with God.

By recognizing this battle between your Spirit and Flesh, try to submit yourself to God each day. It’s so important to come to Him with your plans, your praises, and your struggles.

>> Our Devos about Homemaking have just what you need to thrive as a homemaker!

2| Recognize your weaknesses.

We are never going to be perfect. We’re going to be selfish or hurtful on our bad days. But if we keep in mind this battle between our Spirit and Flesh, then we can grow closer to God and honor Him more with our lives each day.

Being mindful of our own bad habits and intentionally choosing to not participate in thoughts and behaviors that lead us to sin is a great way to guard our hearts and minds, and to not let flesh win.

Homemaker baking in the kitchen

3| Use your gifts.

God created you on purpose and for a purpose, with unique giftings and talents. Give those beautiful gifts back to him!

4| Remind yourself throughout each day to refocus on your goals

Friend, please join me in this—when we feel our flesh getting the best of us, let’s think “I will not allow my flesh to win.” Then, let’s say a little prayer and refocus our minds on living out of our spirit.

>> Don’t miss How to be an Efficient Homemaker for 11 simple routines to weave into your day. (Comes with a free printable checklist!)

Now That You Know How to Glorify God Through Homemaking, What Will You Change?

I pray that you figure out whatever it is that God is calling you to, and that you do it with excitement and joy. I pray that you recognize when your flesh is winning and you are able to correct it and find God’s spirit within you.

We are all on a journey. I know I have a long way to go. But as we seek Him more, joy will fill our hearts and love will help us to win the battle over Spirit and Flesh.

Read Also:

Being a Good Steward of Time for Homemakers Go a step further in giving your day over to God by asking Him how He would have you spend it.

Modern Homemaking for Christian Moms Struggling to find balance between all the demands of life? Get 5 practical tips to help you take care of yourself while homemaking.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Book Review from a Christian Mom Need a kick in the butt to become more spiritually mature? This book is so great at doing that. Read our review!

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How to Honor God in Your Homemaking


3 thoughts on “How to Get Over Yourself and Start Honoring God in Your Homemaking”

  1. I love this post. Yes. This is the biggest battle of them all. Happy or Holy..Spirit or Flesh. Thank you for this wisdom!


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