Best Christian Podcasts for Moms With A Busy Schedule

A peek inside this postAre you a mom looking for a podcast that will help you grow in your faith? Or just an opportunity to laugh and feel more connected to other moms on the same journey? I have done some research to find the best Christian Mom Podcasts to help you nurture and develop yourself – while keeping the household running! Read on to see the 8 Best Christian podcasts for moms that I have found.

I am pretty new to podcasts.

I’ve heard about them for years but never really tried to listen to one until a couple years ago. I hit play while I was folding laundry and I loved that I was able to accomplish my task while being encouraged and inspired. 

Podcasts are convenient. With our smartphones you can listen to a podcast just about anywhere. On your way to work, waiting for a grocery pick up, picking up kids, doing yard work, chores, working out. It gives an added bonus to your day. 

There are so many podcasts out there, you are bound to find one that you connect with.

I love the variety, the length of time, and topics covered. If there is a topic you are interested in, there is probably already a podcast about it! It’s amazing how something I hear in a podcast can stick with me and make an impact in the way I am living my life. 

Whether you are new to podcasts, have been listening to them for years, or have your OWN podcast, I hope you find this information helpful!

My Hunt for the Best Christian Mom Podcasts

I am a stay at home mom to 3 boys ranging in ages 10-14. I understand what it’s like to spend so much time serving your family that any downtime may result in just wanting to sit down on the couch and do nothing.

Do you find it hard to take time to do things you enjoy?

I struggle with that. (Side note, check out Hobbies for Homemakers if you need some inspiration!)

Not to mention, your time is very valuable. Laundry and dinner don’t do themselves, folks. Well, unless you get take-out!

>>>Feeling overwhelmed? Check out our devo for burned out moms!

My goal was to do the research and leg work, spending time listening to podcasts in hopes that it helps you find a podcast (or two or three!) that fills you up and gives you a little time for some self care. 

The first step on my quest was to reach out to friends and family and ask them what podcasts they listen to that would be helpful for Christian moms. When I asked that question I was flooded with several responses along with several people following my research because they were on the same journey!

Specifically, I was looking for podcasts geared toward Christian moms that would encourage them in the areas of personal growth, Biblical study, self care, and encouragement/wisdom. 

I hunted for podcasts that coincided with our mission at Just Homemaking: Helping Christian moms create a thriving home from the inside out. I didn’t want to just copy and paste links to random podcasts.

I spent hours listening to them, analyzing, and narrowing them down to fit into the mission that we have at Just Homemaking.

Below you will find 8 different podcasts that made the cut. They vary in length, depth, and topics. Some will help you dig into scripture and help you apply it to your daily life and some are going to help you find the best moisturizer or tips to help you prevent cavities. 

8 Best Christian Podcasts for Moms (Yes, I listened to them all!)

1| Rhythms For Life with Gabe and Rebekah Lyons

Listen to this if: you want to develop personal growth.

I have been listening to this podcast off and on for a few months. Gabe and Rebekah are a husband and wife team who have made it their mission to create a podcast that encourages listeners to reduce stress and anxiety and take charge of their emotional health.

This podcast is based on Rebekah’s book “Rhythms of Renewal.” I really enjoyed reading this book! If you feel like you are stuck in the monotony of the same old routine or feeling burnt out, her book will guide you through getting into a rhythm to rest, restore, connect, and create.

I love their authenticity, the way they interview such a variety of people (from doctors to photographers) and how they encourage me to make rest a priority. They focus on community and the importance of connecting with others.

I love how they talk about using our gifts to create. I feel like creating is so often put on the back burner with our fast-paced, success-driven culture.

>> Read How to Practice Family Sabbath to intentionally create some time for your family to rest and recharge.

2| The Next Right Thing with Emily P. Freeman

Listen to this if: you are working on personal growth and intentional living. 

If you have a hard time making decisions or delay making decisions because you fear you are making a wrong one, this podcast may be for you! Emily is known for the simplicity of sharing a story, some prayer, and leading you to take your next right step.  

I love that this podcast is usually less than a half hour!

Her calming voice gets me hooked right away. It helps me tune into this podcast and tune out the distractions of the world.

I love the focus on who you are becoming and the ways she encourages you to really look inside yourself. She asks hard questions in a way that makes them seem much more approachable. She encourages you to pay attention to the decisions you need to make, how you are spending your time, and what next steps you may need to take in order to work towards peace in your life.

She also has the Next Right Thing Guided Journal available for purchase. 

This journal provides a thoughtful opportunity to reflect on your life in weekly, monthly, and season changes. 

3| She Reads Truth with Raechel Myers and Amanda Bible Williams

Listen to this if: you are studying scripture!

If you want to take a small section of the Bible and dig in, this podcast will help you grow in your knowledge and understanding of God’s Word.

She Reads Truth was founded with the intent of creating a community of women (worldwide) who are consistently getting into God’s word on a daily basis and talking about the beauty, goodness, and truth found in the Bible. 

There are so many podcasts available, most recently studies on the Old Testament, The New Testament, a 4 week study on Deuteronomy, a 2 week study on Hosea… These podcasts usually run about an hour in length so they are on the longer side. 

She Reads Truth also has an app in which you can complete both free and paid Bible plans. If you are active on Facebook or Instagram you can plug in there as well. 

I love the way they break the scriptures down and encourage me to go deeper than I would have when just reading the passage on my own.

Fellow Just Homemaker, Jenna, recently got the She Reads Truth Bible and is obsessed! She plans to write a review for it in the future.

She Reads Truth Bible, opened to a pretty page in the book.

4| Knowing Faith with Jen Wilkin, J. T. English, and Kyle Worley

Listen to this if: you are studying scripture.

Knowing Faith helps you dig into Biblical literacy and encourage you to think about what the Bible says regarding certain topics and how we should live our lives based on that information. They believe the Bible is for everyone and their passion and knowledge about God’s word is inspiring.

If you are a history person, you are going to love the way they dive into the historical context. They love to study WHO the scripture was written for and WHAT the intention was. 

I recently read “None Like Him” by Jen Wilkin (podcast co-host) and it inspired me to think more about who God is and how He is different from me. It was pretty eye opening to all the ways I still try to control certain situations. If you are interested in checking out Jen’s book, you can find it below.

5| The Healthy Christian Women Podcast with Dr. Melody Stevens

Listen to this if: you are working on self care.

The host, Dr. Melody Stevens, is a Doctor of Physical therapy and a Life Coach who has a passion to support and empower Christian women to live their best and healthiest life.

Dr. Stevens is the founder of Fit + Faith, which is a community of women growing in their faith and honoring God with their lifestyle. Her podcasts are shared through Fit + Faith, but you can listen to them without “joining” in that community if you choose. 

>> Read Healthy Family Habits That Stick to see how some simple changes can make big changes in your family’s overall health.

She focuses on physical health, spiritual health, and mental health. She sees the value in taking care of our physical bodies as we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. She covers topics like natural living, detoxing your body, and ancient remedies.

I enjoyed season 4 the most, of the different podcast episodes I listened to. Season 4 focuses on natural living and helping our bodies to work as naturally as they can based on the way God designed them. She addresses toxins, boosting our natural immune systems, and much more.

I loved the way she talked about using fermented foods to help detox our body. I have been brewing and drinking my own kombucha for years. Water is a great detoxifier but some toxins bind in our body and can’t be pushed out by water alone.

She also talked about dry brushing to remove toxins. Have you ever tried that? Please leave a comment below and let me know how it goes for you!

Please note that Dr. Stevens will share helpful info, tips, and also sometimes talk about products she recommends. She doesn’t always say the product name directly in her podcast but is more than happy to share it if you send her a message or email.

I was curious about a detox product so I sent her a message on messenger and she replied with very helpful information, sharing the name of the product, and a link if I wanted to order it. There was no pressure at all.

You can tell she genuinely cares about her listeners and wants to connect with them. I look forward to future podcasts by Dr. Melody Stevens. 

Pin: 8 Podcasts for Christian Moms

6| 4 Things with Amy Brown

Listen to this if: you are a busy mom working on self care.

Amy Brown is the co-host of the Bobby Bones Show broadcasting out of Nashville. Amy started her own podcast a few years ago, 4 Things, which focuses on health and wellness. She is a Christian mom who has adopted children from Haiti. She is the co-founder of Espwa, an organization that assists those in need in Haiti. You can learn more about her mission at her shop.

I love the way Amy talks about everyday things focused on family, lifestyle, gratitude, and health.

She covers anything from parenting tips, sleep tips, book recommendations, and dental care. I also enjoy the 5th thing episodes when Amy takes an email from one of her listeners and invites a guest on to hear their thoughts on the topic. 

4 Things podcasts usually range between 20 minutes and an hour, with most of them on the lesser side. She is easy to listen to and her desire to spread joy and help others is contagious!

7| Risen Motherhood with Laura Wifler/Emily Jensen

Listen to this if: you need encouragement and wisdom.

Laura and Emily are the hosts of this podcast and their goal is to help moms live out the gospel in their everyday lives.

We as moms need to hear things a few times, much like our kids, before we fully start to understand the truth. The truth is that even though we don’t have it all together, we can trust a God who does.

Risen Motherhood also provides great resources as well such as Bible Studies for moms and kids. I also came across this book by the podcast hosts, “Risen Motherhood”. I have not read it myself but it does have great reviews and I wanted to pass that info on to you!

8| Don’t Mom Alone with Heather Macfadyen

Listen to this if: you need encouragement and wisdom as you parent your kids.

As a mom who birthed 3 boys in less than 5 years myself, I can relate to Heather and the 4 boys she had in 6.5 years. Heather has always had it on her heart to encourage moms. Her passion is to connect moms to resources and other people to remind them that they aren’t alone.

Heather covers real (and sometimes tough) topics like discipline, healing, hospitality, marriage, grief, anxiety, pregnancy, pride, and so much more. 

I haven’t met one mom who has ever said, “I have it all together and know how to respond to every situation that comes in my path.” Heather brings you alongside and really makes you feel like you are in community. The simple tips shared on the show can make such a difference in your life.

Most episodes are around an hour long. One I found particularly interesting was episode 338 with Sissy Goff and David Thomas.

They use info gained through their counseling careers and personal lives to create a podcast about helping kids foster friendships. They talk about our role as parents as they navigate friendships, loss, and the connections they have emotionally and socially with others.

What Would You Add to the List of Best Podcasts for Christian Moms?

I hope you have found this list helpful. It is our hope that our readers at Just Homemaking know that they are not alone in this mom-gig. We are here to pass on resources, encouragement, and help you develop a thriving home from the inside out.  

Have you listened to any of these podcasts before? Please leave a comment below and share which one. 

Also, if you have another great podcast that you would like to share with us and our readers, we would love to see that in the comments as well!

Read Also:

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Book Review from a Christian Mom This book gave me a swift kick in the butt (the good kind that makes you think and change a few things)!

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10 Tips on How to be a Good Christian Mom Focus on the things that matter. Your kids will remember all the great ways you parented them!

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Best Christian Podcasts for Moms


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