Wife Devotional to Encourage your God Centered Marriage

A peek inside this post: Do you want to be a wife that loves, serves, and is a gold crown for her husband? This week of marriage devotionals for wife will guide you in Bible verses about wifely duties, because we believe God knows the best way for us to live and blesses us when we seek after Him.

Marriage teaches us so much. God knew what He was doing when he designed marriage to teach us, sharpen us, and help us be more holy.

In what other setting in life do we see the best and worst of someone? Do we get to ride the highs and lows with someone, for better or for worse? Are pushed to communicate, love, and forgive until death do us part?

In our culture it’s so easy to focus on ourselves and our own feelings. It’s easy to say what we deserve and how we should be treated.

But what if, instead, we flip the (broken) script we’ve been given, and we go into our marriages with love, sacrifice, and a servant’s heart?

When we serve our husband it makes his life better, and we are also blessed. Isn’t God’s guidance so good like that?

We are focusing our series of Homemaking Devotions on “thriving” in all the different areas of our lives. If we want to help our marriages thrive, let’s dig into God’s Word together and see what guidance He gives us.

Pin: Wife Devotional with pictures of the 7 day devotional

How to Use This Marriage Devotion for Wife

Each day of this Wife Devotional consists of scripture with bible verses about being a wife (or verses that can be applied to wives), because as we know from 2 Timothy:

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Marriage is a tremendous blessing and I want to be well equipped for it. How about you?

There are also stories and examples of real life application, a notes/journaling section for introspection (in the Book), and a challenge to help you live out these verses and start living out your Godly role as a homemaker!

This devo is part of our Devotional Workbook we sell on Amazon, Heart Change: A Devotional for Homemakers, but you can start reading for free!

You could complete this short study alone, or maybe with a couple of friends or even a women’s group!

Heart Change devotional for homemakers

Day 1: (Ephesians 5:21-24)

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

Ephesians 5:21-24

Depending on how long you’ve been married and how your marriage is going, this verse can feel very different to women. Does submitting to your husband feel like a heavy burden or a weight lifted off of your shoulders?

Early on in my marriage I didn’t submit well to my husband. This concept didn’t come naturally to me.

Many times my husband and I would argue over a simple decision because I wanted to prove I was right. I have often cared more about proving my point than having a good conversation and nurturing my marriage.

Was it worth making my husband feel disrespected? Never.

About 12 years ago we had a big decision to make. I was pregnant with our first child and we lived over an hour away from our families. We both knew we wanted to be near family once we had kids, but there were so many things to figure out before we could make that happen.

Sell the house. Get a new teaching job. Figure out where we will move to. Build a brand new life together there.

My husband is very confident and when he knows the right thing to do, he doesn’t waiver from it.

It’s not so easy for me. I am a confident person, but like to mull over decisions, have lots of conversations about what’s best, then reevaluate 1,000 times.

Both personalities have their benefits, but sometimes you just have to take a leap without over analyzing.

Here’s where I had to submit. Reluctantly, I agreed we should quit our jobs and sell our house without all of our plans laid out. I’m so glad I chose to allow my husband to bear the weight of that decision, knowing he would find a way to provide for us regardless.

Taking this chance, and allowing him to lead us, has given me strength to do this more, allowing me to rest in the role that God has given me as “wife.” It has also let my husband believe that I trust and respect his leadership, and strengthened our marriage.

Bible verses about wife: Ephesians 5:25


The definition of submit is “Choosing to yield to another’s will.” It is a choice wives make to allow their husbands to lead the household.

You still have a very active role in the household and marriage, just different from the leader. I thank God for that now, because we’re learning to embrace our roles and trust each other more. (If you’re struggling in this area and think your husband has the easier role, I encourage you to keep reading the rest of Ephesians 5, starting at verse 25. What a tremendous responsibility God has placed on our husbands’ shoulders!)

Are you allowing your husband to lead you and your children? Do you have an attitude of respect toward him that allows you to choose to submit?


Think of decisions your family has to make now where you may be resisting your husband’s leadership. If you have a loving relationship built on trust, then is it time for you to submit to your husband making that decision (while knowing how you feel about it)?

Have a conversation with your husband and let him know you’re working on allowing him to lead your family. Ask him to help you remember this and let him know you trust him.


Lord, help me to see clearly how I’m doing with honoring Your guidance in submitting to my husband. Show me new ways I can trust his leadership as he loves me and our kids.

Bless my family because of my obedience to follow Your Word. And please be with my husband as he leads us in serving you.



What role do you typically play in your marriage?

If it’s too difficult for you to submit, what’s holding you back from this weight-lifting gift God has given you as a wife? What can you and your husband do to work toward following God’s guidance?

Day 2: (Proverbs 31:10-31)

Based on Day 1’s verse in Ephesians, we know one of the husband’s roles is head of the wife. So what are the wife’s roles? For this, let’s look at the famous Proverbs 31 verse about “A Wife of Noble Character.”

Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies. Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. She finds wool and flax and busily spins it. She is like a merchant’s ship, bringing her food from afar.

She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household and plan the day’s work for her servant girls. She goes to inspect a field and buys it; with her earnings she plants a vineyard. She is energetic and strong, a hard worker. She makes sure her dealings are profitable; her lamp burns late into the night. Her hands are busy spinning thread, her fingers twisting fiber.

She extends a helping hand to the poor and opens her arms to the needy. She has no fear of winter for her household, for everyone has warm clothes. She makes her own bedspreads. She dresses in fine linen and purple gowns. Her husband is well known at the city gates, where he sits with the other civic leaders. She makes belted linen garments and sashes to sell to the merchants.

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness. She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness. Her children stand and bless her.

Her husband praises her: “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all!” Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised. Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.

Proverbs 31:10-31

Obviously this verse is about a noble woman from Old Testament time. Does it feel hard to relate or motivating to be a different kind of wife?

Honestly, it makes me feel pretty overwhelmed. This “noble” woman is busy! She has a great marriage, works hard to take care of her home and family, she has many jobs where she helps provide for her family, and she is always looking to improve upon her life.

Oh, and she dresses well! Who has time for all that?!

This woman does seem familiar to me, though. My grandma-in-law is someone I look up to as a true God-honoring wife and homemaker.

I wish I had seen her raise her kids, but in her grandma years, I can still see the fruits of a life lived well, following after her role as a Godly wife.

She honors her husband by letting him lead, but also is willing to share her wisdom when asked. She knows how to sew, cook well from scratch, tend to the home and garden, share anything when others have a need, and is always busy doing whatever she can do to contribute.

Even though she now struggles with doing all of the things she used to love, she still keeps her mind and hands busy with positive things that honor God.

Bible verses about wife: Proverbs 31:10-31


It can be quite overwhelming to stay on top of all the tasks needed in a wife’s role. Sometimes so overwhelming that it makes us quit all together (at least for some time).

What is it that you’re focusing your efforts on? If your goals as a “Wife of Noble Character” are first, then you’re thinking about:

  • enriching your husband’s life
  • being busy with providing food and a nice place to live for your family
  • getting up early to prepare for the day ahead
  • accomplishing work to provide a better life
  • helping the poor and needy
  • taking care of yourself
  • not worrying
  • speaking wise words with kindness
  • and more!

Holy moly that’s a lot! But I believe we can move closer and closer to these goals with the power of the Holy Spirit.

I also believe there are practical things we as wives can do now to listen to the voice of God more than the other voices in our lives.

It may be difficult, but sometimes we have to sacrifice things like relationships that aren’t uplifting, change habits (like phone time) that take your attention away from what honors God, and do hard things like learning new skills that will allow us to fill this role in a better way.


Learn a new skill! Is there something homemaking related that you’ve been thinking about learning to do? Bless your husband by following through on becoming good at it!


God, the tasks of a noble wife seem overwhelming sometimes. Please refine me more each day as I seek after you to allow me to bless my family with these traits. Equip me in whatever work you would have me do today, that I may honor you and “greatly enrich my husband’s life.”

Thank you for the wisdom and focus you give me through this scripture.



Read Proverbs 12:4. Does your husband see you as his gold crown?

Wrapping Up this Marriage Devotional for Wife

This sample of our devo speaks to the heart of what we hope to accomplish here at Just Homemaking: to be a place where Christian Moms can find Heart Change as they grow closer to Jesus and learn about their Biblical value as a Homemaker.

If you’d like to join us for more Biblical encouragement for homemakers:

Heart Change for Homemakers Workbook Devotion Cover

With stunning pages, this beautiful workbook includes a notes/journaling section for each of the daily reflection questions, scripture cards that you can cut out and display as you impress God’s word on your heart, and an overall lovely yet simple layout that will have you excited to turn each page!

Heart Change for Homemakers Workbook Devotion Inside

As you’ve taken time to read these scriptures on marriage, I hope you’ve been reminded of God’s purpose and blessings that come with this union He created.

What an incredible blessing marriage can be to teach us, sharpen us, and help us to be more holy.

Read Also:

7 Keys to a Healthy Marriage

Effortless Dating Ideas for Married Couples

Prioritizing Marriage (even when your kids’ needs are screaming louder than your husband’s)

Wife Devotional


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