Everything You Need for a Christian Family Mission Statement

A peek inside this post: Creating a family mission statement is an important step in determining your values and making decisions that support those values. Read our Christian family mission statement examples, and learn how to craft your own using our family mission statement pdf!

I often feel like life is getting away from me.

Time goes by and I have all of these good intentions, but they’re fleeting thoughts and are soon pushed to the back of my mind. Sometimes, all that us moms can do is survive the day: get dressed, feed the kids, and have the house function.

Do you often look back on your day and wonder where it went?

>>Don’t miss Being a Good Steward of Time for Homemakers

In this fast-paced society we live in, it’s easy to forget what we’re here for, what we want to be focusing on each day, and what our goals are in our lives.

Our mission isn’t impossible—we can DO THIS. But it is improbable to fulfill a mission that we haven’t even determined yet.

Life coaches are a hot trend right now, and it’s for good reason! We are so easily distracted by all the things of this world.

100 years ago and anytime in the past beyond that, there weren’t as many distractions.

People could compose their thoughts without their phone beeping. They would talk to each other without the TV on. They would spend time thinking about their life as a whole.

We struggle with composing our thoughts.
We are distracted before we can work through the ideas we have.
We discuss surface nonsense rather than big concepts.

We spend our free time on social media seeing what others are filling their lives with, rather than being intentional with our own mind/time/life.

My goal with sharing these thoughts with you today is not to make you feel bad about yourself. My goal is to encourage you to live your life intentionally!

Take time to think!
What do you want out of your life?
What is God calling you to do in the season you are in?
Be mindful of your choices.
Accomplish the great things you are meant to!

Let’s give our family a vision and a focus for the way we live.

The first step in living an intentional family life is writing a Family Mission Statement.

pin for pinterest: Live on purpose. Create a Mission Statement.

What is a Family Mission Statement?

This should be a clear, well-thought-out vision of what you want your family’s focus to be.

Wikipedia says a business’ Mission Statement “is a short statement of why an organization exists, what its overall goal is, and identifying the goal of its operations.”

Can you see how this would also be helpful in your family?

To decide what your purpose is as a family, what your goals are, and what mission God has in creating you for this life.

The goal is to help you define what’s important to you and your family so you can accomplish whatever you want out of life, to fulfill what God has called you to do, and who He has called you to be!

Get a free printable for your Family Mission Statement!

family mission statement pdf from Just Homemaking

Why Do You Need a Family Mission Statement?

The best part about having a clear Family Mission Statement is that you can come back to it when you’re having a problem or a question. When you’re making decisions, it’s so much easier to refer back to your family mission statement, and weigh the choice against your values.

>> Read 8 Tips for Building a Strong Christian Family

Here are three reasons why you should write out a Family Mission Statement for your family:

1. There are so many activities offered.

Let’s say I’m trying to decide whether to let my son sign up for basketball. First, the commitment has to pass through our mission statement:

  • Does the activity align with who we are and what we want to impart to our kids?

Well, my husband and I appreciate sports and all that they teach our kids. It could help my son develop character.


  • Does it interfere with being disciplined in our faith?

The schedule on the sign-up form is for Saturday mornings. So, it can work for our schedule without interfering with church/service, and our mission. It can also create new opportunities for us to grow relationships with other families and be a witness for Christ.


Dad, Mom, and kids holding hands

So, because it fits within our Family Mission Statement and also works within our family schedule, we can say “yes!”

It is so easy to say “Yes!” to many great opportunities and commitments we have around us. There are limitless activities and fun events to keep us busy. Just make sure you check your Mission before you sign up!

2. There are tons of distractions.

Another way my Mission Statement has directed my family life is that we choose to turn off the TV more often.

It’s so easy to waste an evening away. My husband, kids, and I are tired and it’s so easy to turn on the TV and zone out.

How much better are the nights when we are aware, turn off the TV, and spend time as a family talking about our day?

When we are aware of these times with our kids and spouse, it allows us to have a deeper connection, strengthen and challenge each other, and grow closer to God because of this encouraging time together.

One thing I love to do is take a half hour before the kids go to bed…turn off electronics, spend some time doing a Bible reading with the kids, pray together, and usually my kids and husband end up wrestling by the end of our time.

Frustrated Mom on the floor with her kids, who are distracted by a computer

It’s so valuable to me and my husband, but even more so to my kids. We don’t do this everyday, but I want to continue to make it more of a habit to have that quality time together while our kids are young and home with us.

My husband often likes to read after the kids go to bed. This is great because it reminds me to focus on something that will fuel my brain and heart, and we can still interact with each other as we sit together.

Think about what distracts you from your family mission, and think of small ways you can change those habits.

3. We want to stand firm in our faith.

As we make choices, it’s important that they don’t compromise our faith mission.

Each family has different ideas of how they make these choices, but if we have ours written out, we can stand firm that we are honoring God as best as we know how.

There is temptation all around us. If we’re clear on what we want, we can go back to that and remind ourselves when we’re having difficulty.

Questions to Ask When Creating a Family Mission Statement

Are you wondering where to start? Here’s a simple guideline to follow, and some questions to ask yourself when creating your family mission statement.

1| Who is your family at its core?

2| What does your family do? How does your family live? What are its values?

Family sitting in the woods together

3| Why are these values important to you?

4| How will you carry out your goals/intentions?

You don’t have to address all of these questions within the actual mission statement, but these should help get the juices flowing!

>> Read Spiritual Goals for Christian Women

Want to see what others have come up with? Check these out below…

Christian Family Mission Statement Examples

God created each of us unique! My mission statement won’t look like yours, and I’m not suggesting it should. But I want to share mine, along with the Mission Statements of the other Homemakers at Just Homemaking, so that you can have examples of what a Christian Family Mission Statement could look like.


Because of our faith in Jesus, we will be intentional and disciplined so we can focus on growing our fellowship with God, strengthening our marriage, pouring our hearts into developing kids full of character, and serving others who are not a part of our family.

Suzanne's family under her Family Mission Statement


We are not only a new creation in Christ, but a new family in Christ. Our greatest reach and impact on future generations will be intentionally cultivated within the four walls of our home and the four boys who reside in it. We will show unconditional love, share in each others’ joys and passions, laugh often, and partake in many shenanigans as we raise a generation of men on purpose, and with purpose, to glorify God and His will.

Jenna's family under her Family Mission Statement


What does love look like? Put God first, others second, and myself third.

Melissa's family under her Family Mission Statement


To raise a generation of men and women for Christ.

Nicole's family under her Family Mission Statement

When you are creating your own family mission statement, remember that God gives each person unique missions so that we can be the body of Christ (all having different gifts and things we love to do) and work together to create The Church that’s meant to share Jesus with the world.

Your Free Family Mission Statement PDF

We’ve created a template for your mission statement in a few different designs.

We are offering this Family Mission Statement PDF (WITH 7 STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM!) as a free gift to subscribers of our weekly newsletter. As a subscriber, you’ll get:

  • First access to the newest blog posts
  • Tips & Tricks
  • Weekly Challenges that will encourage you to live more intentionally
  • Printables (like this one!)
  • & More!
family mission statement pdf from Just Homemaking

To get your free Family Mission Statement printable and access to all those weekly goodies, fill out this easy form and your printable will be instantly available. (This printable has 7 different styles, so you can choose whichever one suits your family best!)

The pdf itself is not editable, but you can print it out and put the page back in the printer. Type your family mission statement on a doc and then print it on the same page.

Your Turn to Write a Christian Family Mission Statement

Writing down a Family Mission Statement can be beneficial to you in many ways!

It doesn’t mean we’re not going to mess up and need to reset. It just means we will TRY to focus our lives on what we find most important and what we want to accomplish.

Refer back to your mission throughout your week and see if it helps direct your path in the way you want it to go. Challenge yourself to think hard about what your life is for and what steps you have to take to achieve your goals.

Don’t let life get away from you. Be intentional with your goals and make choices to live a life with purpose.

Read Also:

How to Be a Good Christian Mom Check out these 10 tips for being an intentional mama with strong Christian values!

How to Practice Family Sabbath Intentionally carve out some time to rest as a family.

Top 5 Christian Parenting Tips & Ideas Are you parenting on purpose?

Budget for Homemakers Make sure your finances line up with your values, too! This free spreadsheet is super simple to use, but will give your budget a major overhaul!

Everything You Need for a Christian Family Mission Statement


4 thoughts on “Everything You Need for a Christian Family Mission Statement”

  1. I am so grateful for the encouragement to write a Family Mission Statement! It’s something I’ve “meant to do” for years— this was such a good push to finally do it, and my husband was super into it too!

  2. I am excited to start this! Thanks for the idea! It’s such a great statement to have for my family and to show them
    who we are.


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