5 Health Tips for Christian Moms in 2023

A Look Inside: Do you want to look and feel better in 2023? Here you’ll find 5 health tips for Christian Moms to set you on the right track for getting healthier this year. These tips are meant to help you improve your health right away, but more importantly, for years to come!

The Bible is very clear that Spiritual health is the most important part of a healthy life. But many verses also complement spiritual health by talking about having a healthy body.

God teaches in His Word to not overindulge, that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and we should be disciplined in everything we do. Shouldn’t our physical health also reflect those Biblical values?

As Christian homemakers, wives, and moms, we can get our to-do lists done best when we have a healthy spiritual life along with a healthy body.

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At Just Homemaking, we are ALL ABOUT having a healthy spiritual life! Take a look at our Faith Posts to find encouragement and resources for your Christian faith.

Another great resource we just released is our Homemaking Devotional: A Heart Change for Homemakers. Order yours today to dive deeper into God’s Word as a Christian woman.

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Healthy Body for Christian Moms

For today, though, we are going to focus on why it’s important for Christian moms to have a healthy body. Sure, being “healthy” is different for each of us. We all have different physical needs for our to-do lists and our health goals.

But we can all learn basic principles that will help us to make positive changes in a not so healthy society.

I’ve been on a health journey for about five years now, realizing how most products sold in stores today are full of unhealthy and toxic ingredients. I’ve learned that the more we cleanse our bodies and put in good, the healthier we will become!

>>> You can snag a printable version of this guide with helpful goal setting and action steps below. It’s completely free and comes in an ad-free PDF. Jump to the free Health Goals for Christian Moms Printable.

health goals for Christian Moms bundle

5 Health Tips for Christian Moms

1| Decide what “healthy” means to you.

Our bodies have needs in order to function well. We need healthy food, water, vitamins and minerals, sleep, and movement. But each of us have different desires for our own health.

Woman in mirror happy with herself

What specific needs do you know your body needs? Here’s what I wrote down for myself, in case you need some ideas… 


Here are some of the things I need my body to do for me:

  • I need my body to function so I can feel good in order to accomplish my daily tasks.
  • I need to not be sick. Taking care of my body keeps me from acquiring sicknesses or bouncing back quicker when I do catch something.
  • I need my body to last. As I eat healthy foods and exercise, I’m giving my body the best chance to be healthy as long as possible.


We are easily influenced by what other women’s bodies look like and by what others say is important. But what do YOU want your body to look like? What do YOU want your body to do? What do YOU want your body to accomplish each day?

Here are some of the things I want my body to do:

  • I want my body to be able to keep up with my kids. Sports, biking around town, taking hikes, kicking a football, and (so far) still beating them at one-on-one basketball in our driveway.
  • I want to feel good each day. I want to have enough energy to get done what I need to around the house, have my body’s systems working well and helping me feel good, putting on clothes that I feel happy to wear.
  • I want my husband to be proud of me. I want him to see that I care about what I look like for him, to keep up with his health goals and include healthy living in our family life, and to be his healthy partner in life’s adventures as long as God allows me to stand beside him.

Each of us has different needs and wants for our bodies. What are yours?

Write down your answers so you can work toward achieving your health goals (and not just shooting for someone else’s idea of health).

2| Learn about health.

Read about natural living, holistic health, and how people used to live. The more I learn, the more shocked I am by how little we know about health in America today.

Follow people on social media who can teach you about health. Find new podcasts about health that interest you. Watch Youtube videos to learn and grow.

You may want to learn about healthy cooking, fitness plans, homesteading, or how you can feed your kids healthier snacks. There are so many people giving out free information, so take advantage!

Woman learning about health by watching a video on her ipad.

Learn about different types of diets. The word “diet” has many negative connotations, but I’m not suggesting you go on a fad diet. I’m suggesting you learn about different ways of eating, so that you can find what way works best for your body.

Some examples are: Whole foods, Paleo, Mediterranean. As you probably already know, the “American Diet” can definitely be improved upon, so take a look at some other frameworks to help you decide what works for you.

Oftentimes there is something we are eating that causes issues for our health. They can be very small and easy to change if you are aware of them. 

>>I began my healthy living journey by watching the Food Network and by doing a Whole30. Who and what can you learn from?

Whatever you’re interested in, start learning.

3| Learn to cook healthy.

This step is critical. In the USA today we are not taught many basic principles of healthy cooking. We are used to fast/quick food that is made for us or comes from a box. There may be a time and a place for cooking from a box, but it isn’t how we should cook on a daily basis.

When you can, cook with real, whole foods. Buy from the produce section. Find new ways to use vegetables, fruit, eggs, and meat.

Healthy Lifestyle

When you aren’t buying whole foods, the first thing you can do to improve your healthy cooking is to read labels on boxed and canned foods. Don’t focus on calories or total fat, focus on the “Ingredients” list they include on the packaging.

The ingredients list is in order from the most prevalent ingredient to the least. Do you recognize the ingredients in the packaged foods you eat everyday? Are they good choices for consuming often?

Especially if you eat something packaged on a daily basis, make sure to read the ingredients to know that it’s a healthy choice.

Next, learn what to avoid.

I steer clear of vegetable oil completely, and instead use avocado oil, extra virgin olive oil, butter, or coconut oil. When cooking vegetables or meat, these are much better options compared to fake and toxic seed oil.

Some examples of toxic vegetable oils commonly found in packaged food are sunflower oil, soybean oil, and canola oil.

It’s also best to avoid fake sugar like high fructose corn syrup, or other sugar substitutes. When I buy a packaged item that has sugar in it, I make sure it’s real sugar.

Avoid food dye. You’ll see on the ingredient list Red 40, Blue 1, Yellow 5…and so on. These dyes disrupt your body’s natural functions.

Another trap people often fall into is eating out too often. The more we eat out, the more we lose control of what’s in the food we’re eating. We should prepare our own simple, delicious foods from home whenever possible.

Buy local and seasonal foods whenever possible.

Do you know a local farmer who raises cows? Buying half a cow and picking it up from processing saves you money and is much healthier generally than buying from a grocery store.

Many people have chicken eggs for sale. These eggs are healthier and more tasty than eggs from a store. Make a friend with a local chicken owner to enjoy this healthy protein regularly.

Do you live near a farmers’ market? Consuming local fruits and vegetables is a great way to have a healthy body and support your community.

Prioritize protein intake at each meal.

Choose ingredients with higher grams of protein to feel fuller longer.

Eating enough protein also helps your body composition. You will feel more lean and strong as you eat enough protein on a daily basis.

>>> Check out these gluten free dairy free dinners!

4| Focus on movement.

Get movement throughout your day. Take walks when you can, schedule workouts you enjoy, go on bike rides with your kids, climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator.

Find a workout friend for accountability. Plan one or more days each week to get together for a long walk or other workout. Tell each other how often you plan to get intentional movement in throughout your week.

Women hiking together to get movement.

Little changes in your routines can make a big difference over time, and having a friend along makes it so much more fun!

5| Look at what our Creator says.

We know that our bodies are temporary, therefore not the most important thing to God. But there are many Bible verses about having a healthy body, which show Christian women that our health does matter to God.

Bible Verses about Having a Healthy Body

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. ~1 Corinthians 6:19-20
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. ~1 Corinthians 10:31
She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. ~Proverbs 31:17
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. ~Romans 12:1-2
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we are imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified. ~1 Corinthians 9:24-27
And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. ~Mark 12:30
Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. ~1 Thessalonians 5:23

We should do our best to use the knowledge we have to take care of the body He has given us. We should try to overcome the things that are holding us back from eating well and living an active life.

Open Bible

Living a life of discipline and hard work will benefit your life both physically and spiritually.

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. ~Hebrews 12:11

Not only will living a healthy life honor God, but it will give you a better life too!

Health Goals for Christian Moms Printable Bundle

You can take these health tips and make them your own with this pretty and simple printable. This way, your health goals will be completely tailor-made for you and your situation.

health goals for Christian Moms printable bundle

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  • First Access to New Blog Posts
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>>>Snag the health and fitness bundle for Christian Moms here.

Wrapping Up Health Tips for Christian Moms

Thanks for reading our health tips for Christian moms and Bible verses about having a healthy body. We hope you’ve found encouragement and excitement about starting some new habits this year!

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