Choosing to Homeschool

Are you considering choosing to homeschool after the COVID changes? Read my journey and find resources to help you make the right choice for your kids.

Seasons of Motherhood and Finding Joy in Each One

mom with two small children

Are you finding joy in motherhood, or just sort of existing? We want to encourage you to embrace all the seasons of motherhood, whether that means you’re a pro with older kids, or you’re still adjusting to motherhood in the early stages of babies. No matter where you are, enjoy your motherhood journey and be thankful for each season you find yourself in!

4 Tips to Support a Teenager Struggling with Faith

teen boy

Is your child struggling with faith? This is a hard topic, even for adults, because when struggling with faith, it can be difficult to remember God’s promises and all the time’s He’s come through before. If your teenager is struggling with faith, read these tips and help support them during their faith crisis!