The Stress Free Homemaking Course You’ve Been Searching For

A peek inside this post: On the hunt for a homemaking course that will completely transform the way you love your home, your people, and your role? Renew Your Homemaking will do just that! Read to find out how this stress free homemaking course will change your life and help you fall in love with being a homemaker!

Welcome to our cozy corner of the internet where we’re all about embracing the art of homemaking!

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or learning to manage a home for the first time, our homemaking course is here to meet your right where you are and help you get to where you want to be.

Pin for Pinterest: The stress free homemaking course you've been searching for
X Self Paced
X Affordable Price
X Bite-sized action items
X Complete, all in one system

Why You Need a Homemaker Course

Back in the day, older generations taught younger generations how to care for a home and family. But times have changed, my friend.

For decades, young women have been encouraged to get out into the workforce. And as a result, less and less focus has been afforded to the art of homemaking.

(PLEASE hear me: There is nothing wrong with working outside the home!)

But homemaking is like any other job or role— if you want to be good at it, you have to learn how! You have to be educated and undergo some equipping. Sometimes your equipping will come after years of experience and hard lessons learned, or you could fast-track the process by taking a course like this one.

And that’s exactly what we hope to do for you: fast track the process!

Jenna, Suzanne, and Melissa, the homemakers behind Just Homemaking and creators of the Renew Your Homemaking Course

We’re Suzanne, Jenna, and Melissa, the homemakers behind Just Homemaking, and it wasn’t all that long ago that the three of us were on the homemaking struggle bus!

We all became wives, mothers, and homemakers at a young age. Not many of our friends were in the same stage of life and society as a whole was definitely in a different place.

"Back in the day, older generations taught younger generations how to care for a home and family. But times have changed, my friend.

For decades, young women have been encouraged to get out into the workforce. And as a result, less and less focus has been afforded to the art of homemaking."

-Jenna, Just Homemaking
"The Stress Free Homemaking Course You've Been Searching For"

We kind of had to learn things the hard way. (Though we did get plenty of good advice from trusted sources along the way.)

Now that we’re 15+ years into our own homemaking journeys and have learned SO MUCH along the way, we wanted to create something that would help other women manage their homes and families. We also wanted to help women like you see the tremendous value you bring to the table, just by loving and serving your family well.

Basically, we created the thing we wished we’d had when we were overwhelmed and inexperienced. And now you get to reap the benefits!

“Renew Your Homemaking” Course: Watch your homemaking transform

Take a deep breath. If you could envision yourself thriving as a homemaker, what would that look like in your home and in your daily life? (Psst: This doesn’t look the same for everyone!)

Seriously, take a minute to consider your answer to that question before you continue reading.

In Renew Your Homemaking, we’re going to help you with practical tasks like budgeting, meal planning, and cleaning and caring for your home.

But beyond the practical stuff, we’re going to dig deeper. We’re going to get to the bottom of what you want out of your homemaking, and then take steps to get you closer to your definition of a thriving homemaker.

Imagine living a life where:

  • you have clarity over your homemaking goals, so you know what you’re working towards
  • you follow God’s word and let scripture be your guide as you serve Him in your homemaking
  • you’ve embraced your unique skills, talents, and preferences and leveraged them to create a well-run home
  • you have a clear plan for your day
  • you finally feel like you have a handle on things and although you’re not a perfect homemaker (who is?!), you’re a purposeful one
  • you’re no longer overwhelmed, you ENJOY being a homemaker, and you feel confident in this role
"Homemaking is like any other job or role-- if you want to be good at it, you have to learn how! You have to be educated and undergo some equipping."

--Jenna, Just Homemaking
"The Stress Free Homemaking Course You've Been Searching For"

Stress Free Homemaking Course: Our simple, yet effective process

Our homemaking course is absolutely stress free! Here’s why…

It’s self paced.

You can go at your own speed and don’t have to answer to anyone. There are no deadlines or expectations on you.

All the lessons are pre-recorded.

You won’t have any live trainings that interfere with nap times or appointments. You work on the course when it’s convenient for you.

Quote from Course Student Amanda:
"This course gently and lovingly guides homemakers to a place where they better understand God's design for this role. It's not 'tough love' and won't intimidate or overwhelm."

It’s easy to absorb and implement.

Video lessons are short and efficient, around 5-7 minutes on average. Your “homework” is always a bite-sized, actionable step.

It’s a complete, all in one system.

You don’t have to piece together random bits of information from the internet, and you don’t need any additional materials.

It doesn’t take up too much of your time.

This is all personal preference, but most course students spend 20-30 minutes a day on the course and finish up in 2-3 weeks. Imagine living your best homemaking life within a month!

Each lesson will consist of two pieces.

  1. Watch a video.
  2. Implement what you’ve learned with “homework”.

Watch this video to understand the transformative 5 step process (and see what some of our course students have to say!)

What’s Included in this Online Course for Homemakers?

The Renew Your Homemaking Course is digital, meaning all the materials are sent to your inbox and accessed online. (Nothing will be shipped to you.)

Course Contents Include:

90+ Minutes of Video Lessons

What's included in this online course for homemakers? 90+ minutes of video lessons.

Broken up into manageable segments (around 5-7 minutes, on average).

Course Workbook

What’s Included in this Online Course for Homemakers? Course workbook (PDF download).

Use this workbook to complete your course “homework”. This downloadable PDF can be printed if you’re a pen and paper girly, or used digitally on your phone, tablet, or computer if you’re a little more tech-savvy.

Homemaking Devotional

What’s Included in this Online Course for Homemakers? Homemaking devo.

This 7-day devotional is an excerpt from our previously published Heart Change Devotional softcover book and is provided for your convenience. (We told you, this course includes everything you need!)

Three Homemaking Tools: A budget, a meal planning system, and a cleaning planner

These flexible tools offer practical solutions to make your homemaking tasks so much easier. You can use them as spreadsheets, or as PDFs with printable and digital options. Don’t worry, we’ll walk you through all of them!


A Recording of one of Jenna’s LIVE Teachings

What’s Included in this Online Course for Homemakers? A special bonus: one of Jenna's live teachings.

Watch as Jenna shares a heartfelt and encouraging message, “Your People Are Your Ministry, to Serve and Steward Intentionally.”

Exclusive invitation to join our Just Homemakers Membership Group and Private Facebook Community

What’s Included in this Online Course for Homemakers? An exclusive invitation to join our private membership group.

This group is not available to the public and invites are only offered to Renew Your Homemaking Course students.

Join us in this life changing homemaking course!

Renew Your Homemaking Digital Course

Remember that vision of a thriving homemaker we asked you about? It’s time to make that your reality!

>>>Grab the course here.

Snag the Renew Your Homemaking course and completely transform the way you love your home, your people, and your role!

We can’t wait to get started with you!

The Homemaking Course You’ve Been Searching For


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