Morning Cleaning Routine: Quick Habits for a Tidy Home

A peek inside this post: Are you looking for a simple morning cleaning routine that is DOABLE with your schedule? This morning cleaning routine is easy to follow and starts you off on the right foot for the entire day! 

Let’s face it. Motivation is huge when it comes to our Homemaking success. 

Do you have it? How do you find it? How do you keep it? 

We all want it!

In this post we will first look at some tips for your morning routine. Sometimes it’s easy to make something more of a “thing” than it needs to be.

These tips will help you narrow down some expectations.

Next, we will look at a simple morning routine that is easy to follow without a huge time commitment. 

pin for pinterest: stress free morning cleaning routine to start your day off on the right foot

This routine is so simple and will be easy to manage and maintain.

Keep reading for my morning cleaning routine to help you and your family get ready to tackle the day!

Table of Contents

Tips for your Morning Cleaning Routine

Some inspiration for you: My Morning Cleaning Routine

Take Your Morning Cleaning Routine to the Next Level

morning cleaning routine: planner with words "everyday is a fresh start"

Tips for your Morning Cleaning Routine

Having a SIMPLE plan is KEY for developing a productive morning cleaning routine. 

Tell me I’m not the only one who does this: I sit down to take a few minutes of rest and my eyes start moving from the dog hair on the floor, to the cluttered counter, to the crumbs from last night’s dinner. 

morning cleaning routine: person washing white plate with a sponge

It’s hard to rest our body and mind when the house is cluttered and messy. In order to be successful it helps to remember a few important tips.

01| Simplify.

Pick a few small things that make a huge difference to you. What qualifies your home being clean and comfortable? Clean floors? Clear Counters?

02| Be realistic.

You can’t do it all everyday. There is work, kids, pets, appointments, errands, and the list goes on.

Most of us don’t have the time or energy to touch everything every single day. 

03| Be consistent.

Just like with any habit, you need to practice it to help it stick. You will be much more successful the more you practice this routine.

04| Set a timer.

Most of us work better knowing there is a clear start and stop time. One strategy would be to set your timer for 15 minutes and focus on the areas you feel make the biggest difference to you. 

tips for your morning cleaning routine: set a timer (iPhone with a timer set)

05| Do what works for YOU.

It’s ok if your morning routine is different from mine. You might be accomplishing this routine long before your work day begins.

Or you might spend your whole day at home but are working or tending to kids or animals. It’s all different and that’s OK.

Now that we have looked at a few helpful tips for your morning cleaning routine, let’s take a look at mine and see if it helps you with yours.

Some inspiration for you: My Morning Cleaning Routine

Please keep in mind, this is just one example. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to start your day!

01| Make the bed.

This is huge. It helps set the tone for the entire day. Walking into a room with a bed that is made is relaxing and inviting.

Crawling in a smooth, made bed at night gives much more enjoyment than a wrinkly bed with twisted sheets.

my morning cleaning routine: make the bed
(person fluffing pillow to make bed)

02| Start a load of laundry.

Laundry is much easier to get done when started at the beginning of the day. I am so much more successful when I set a timer to switch it right away!

03| Empty the dishwasher.

Starting the day off with an empty dishwasher allows dirty dishes to go directly into the dishwasher and your kitchen sink to stay clean!

my morning cleaning routine: empty the dishwasher (dishwasher with top rack pulled out)

04| Clean up breakfast.

Whether it’s french toast, granola, scrambled eggs, or cereal, there are probably remains left in your kitchen after everyone has gotten their meal.

Wash those pans and get those dirty dishes into the dishwasher before moving on.

05| Wipe down counters and tables.

Having tidy counters and tables helps keep your kitchen and dining areas more clean, but also helps fight bacteria. That extra minute it takes to wipe those surfaces goes a long way!

my morning cleaning routine: wipe down counters and tables. (person holding towel and bottle of spray cleaner)

06| Wipe down the bathroom sink.

Let’s face it. Toothpaste and dirt show up in the sink on a daily basis.

Keep a rag close by and give that sink about 30 seconds of your day. Your afternoon self will thank you!

07| Open blinds and curtains and let the sun in.

Unless it’s super hot and you are trying to keep your house cooled more efficiently, opening the blinds and curtains helps your home feel bigger and the sunshine is UPLIFTING.

08| Spend 5 minutes putting things away.

Today, for me, it was old store flyers, miscellaneous things from a busy weekend, shoes, and clean clothes.

Whatever it is, you’d be surprised how much a quick 5 minute tidy-up can improve your space!

09| Dry mop/sweep/vacuum high traffic areas.

This doesn’t have to be a thing. We have a dog and running the dry mop on our wood floors in the morning makes a huge difference in tracking dirt and dog hair through the rest of the house. 

My morning cleaning routine: Dry mop/sweep/vacuum high traffic areas. (woman dry mopping a wooden floor)

After getting on a schedule, this morning cleaning routine will become one of your favorite parts of the day. 

You can go on to your next activity knowing that you will be coming back to clean areas that will help you relax when your body needs to rest and reset.

Take Your Morning Cleaning Routine to the Next Level

Now that we have taken a look at a simple morning cleaning routine, you also have the option to take your routine to the next level.

If you don’t have much time, simple might be best. 

If you have a little longer and like lists and checking them off, our Cleaning and Caring for Home Planner may be the tool you have been looking for.

cleaning and caring for home planner for your morning cleaning routine

Our Cleaning and Caring for the Home Planner is simple to use and adaptable to fit your family’s needs. 

You have the option to use the tasks provided and you can also add your own to custom-fit your needs.

Another great feature is that you can check your tasks off as you go and track your progress! 

For a better understanding of how the house cleaning planner works, watch the video below.

At Just Homemaking we realize that some tasks require daily attention while some only need your attention one time a year. 

This cleaning planner is divided into different frequencies of tasks. You can maintain tasks daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, and annually. 

If this sounds like a good fit for your family, you can check it out here.

We hope this simple morning cleaning routine helps get your day off to a great start!

Morning Cleaning Routine: Quick Habits for a Tidy Home


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